Texas Private Pesticide Applicator Continuing Education


10 CEU Private Applicator Course

Our 10 CEU Private Applicator Course is designed to assist the Texas Private Applicator to re-certify his license to apply pesticides.  A description of each of the 10 lessons that make up our 10 CEU Private Applicator Course is presented below.10 CEU Private Applicator Course

IPM: Birds as Pests:Birds are a colorful part of our world and are frequently photographed, studied or hunted by Americans.  Birds can become pests, however, when they feed on crops, roost in large numbers, contaminate food or create a general nuisance.   The birds that most commonly become pests in urban areas of the U.S. are pigeons, starlings and house sparrows.  The habitats these birds prefer, the health risks they pose and the different methods of controlling these birds are presented in this lesson.

IPM: Housefly Vs. Stable Fly: Houseflies and Stable Flies pose a health risk to humans and animals.  This lesson discusses the health hazards of these flies and the cultural, biological and/or chemical control options that can be employed.

Law: The Pesticide Label & Label Comprehension – Part I:Pesticide labels are legal documents that must be followed – they are the law.  In this chapter, it explains when a pesticide label should be read and the basic facts one can learn from reading a pesticide label.  Situations when deviations from the label are permitted are also presented.

Law: The Pesticide Label & Label Comprehension – Part II:In this chapter, we progress from talking about the components found within a typical pesticide label to learning how to identify these components within an actual label.  For this purpose, we will examine the label for the pesticide product Maxforce® PROFESSIONAL INSECT CONTROL® GRANULAR INSECT BAIT.

Pesticide Emergencies, Spills and Misapplications: The actions to take in the event of a pesticide leak, spill, misapplication or fire are presented and the requirements of the Community Right-to-Know Act are discussed.

Emergency Procedures: The actions to take and first aid to administer in the event of a pesticide exposure on one's skin, clothing or in one's eyes is discussed, and the first aid to administer in the event a person inhales or swallows a pesticide is presented.

Basic Principles of Math and Chemistry: This chapter seeks to equip the pesticide applicator with a good understanding of the different mathematical calculations useful in determining the size of an area and the amount required to complete a job.  The latter part of this chapter discusses the importance of chemistry in our lives and then defines for the pesticide applicator a large number of terms commonly used when describing chemicals and some of the reactions that might result from their use.

Basic Principles of Toxicology and Entomology: This chapter starts off by defining toxicology.  It then addresses topics such as toxicity differences between animal species, pesticide metabolism within cells, pesticide storage in the body, excretion and elimination from the body, sensitivity differences within a species.  Lastly, basic principles of entomology such as insect morphology, reproduction and metamorphosis are discussed and some insect-like pests are described.

Pesticide Safety – Part I: One will learn about the benefits of pesticide use, risks of pesticide use, definition of toxicity, how "toxicity" and "hazard" are not the same thing, pesticide toxicity categories, chronic toxicity, pesticide entry into the body through the skin, mouth, eyes and lungs, applicator safety, training and continuing education, planning for accidents, material safety data sheets (MSDSs), and pesticide label

Pesticide Safety – Part II: The benefits and limitations of personal protective equipment including gloves, bodywear, head protection, footwear, eye protection, respiratory equipment and barrier creams are discussed.

About taking our 10 CEU Private Applicator Course online…

How Our Pest Control Training Courses Work:

Register and pay for one of our Virginia pest control training courses such as Vertebrate Pest Control.  This involves creating a username and password.

Next, you will start the course.  The first screen will have a vertical listing of the lesson titles for the course you signed up for.  In Virginia, if you are a commercial applicator, then there will be 8 lesson titles listed vertically in large black and white lettering in the middle of the screen.

Select the first listing and you will be taken to that lesson; it will be a few pages long. Read the lesson and at the bottom of the lesson in a long, skinny, rectangular box will be the word "Test" followed by the lesson title.

Select (click on)the test to begin the 10 question multiple choice quiz that goes with the lesson.  After answering the tenth and final question, find the button at the bottom, right-hand side of the page that is labeled "Finish".

Click on the "Finish" button to score the quiz and save your answers.  A score of 70 or above must be achieved before being allowed to advance to the next lesson.  When a person scores a 60 or lower, he is returned to the beginning and must retake the quiz until scoring a 70 or better.  There is no limit to how many times a person may retake a quiz.

When a student completes and scores his final quiz, he will be taken to a screen where he can print his continuing education certificate.

Be sure to maintain a copy of your Continuing Education Certificate on file.  You will need to show this certificate to the official in the event you are audited.

Sign up for our 10 CEU Private Applicator Course today!

Contact us today to get started!


Source: https://www.pestcontrolcourses.com/product/10-ceu-private-applicator-course/

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