Easy Fix Traverse Rod Slides on Wall

Maintenance How-To's: Fix Traverse Rods

Here are some tips for keeping traverse rods working smoothly. When traverse rods bind so that drapes or curtains won't draw easily or at all, there are a few possible sources of the problem: loose brackets, uneven brackets, frayed cord, fouled pulley, broken glide or obstruction in the track.
First check to see that none of the brackets are coming loose from the wall or window molding. Sometimes brackets have been attached with nails, and nails work loose far faster than do screws. If you discover that a nail has worked loose, pull it out and replace it with a screw. If you really want to do it right, remove all the nails and replace them with screws.
If screws are coming loose, either tighten them or, if the hole is enlarged so that you cannot tighten the screw, use a plastic screw anchor in the hole or fill it with match sticks, and then replace the screw.
If the brackets are solid, but the rod seems to twist or bend, check to see that each of the brackets is the same distance from the wall. Each bracket is adjustable with set screws that sometimes come loose or are bumped and get pushed back. If the measurements vary, adjust all of the brackets to the same measurement.
Cord and track
If all of the brackets are in good condition, check the track for obstructions, such as broken glides, frayed strands from the cord, dirt or some­thing else. Try to fish out any foreign matter using a wire hook. This could require some patience, since the rod is formed with only a small opening on the side facing the wall. You might have to open the gate where the glides are put into the track and move everything to the end to get to the block. You'll see what I mean when you look at the rod.
Occasionally the draw cord will get out of adjustment or one of the slides won't work. If a slide doesn't draw, it's because the cord has become detached from it. If the drapes won't open evenly, it's because the cord has slipped and then caught again on the master slide.
To get the cord and slides into proper adjustment, move both slides as far to the outer ends of the rod as the glides will let you. Now unhook the master slide in order to let the lagging slide get back into the track. Re-hook it.
If you need to replace the cord, because it's worn or broken, see how the old cord is fed into the mechanism before your remove it. Draw a picture of the setup. Tie a simple half hitch around a knitting needle or long nail to pull the cord along the rod from one side to the other.
Of course, it goes without saying that working with traverse rods is much easier with the drapes removed.
Maintenance Tips
Drill Bits

• Keep a drill bit from sliding by covering the drilling area with a piece of masking tape. Poke a hole through the masking tape with a pencil or a nail, and drill in that spot. The masking tape will help keep the drill on target.
• Spray your drill bits with silicone before you use them. This will prevent them from breaking and will keep them sharp longer.
• When drilling metal, try using a small drill bit to improve accuracy.

Loose Screws

• Use thinned shellac to keep screws from rusting, or dip them in shellac to keep them anchored better.
• A screw will turn more easily if the screw threads are soaped or waxed.

About the Author:

Some 30 years ago Bob Cain went to a no-money-down seminar and got the notion that owning rental property would be just the best idea there is for making money. He bought some. Trouble was, what he learned at the seminar didn't tell him how to make money on his rental property. He went looking for help in the form of a magazine or newsletter about the business. He couldn't find any. Always ready to jump at a great idea, he decided he could put his speaking and writing skills to work and perform a valuable service for other investors who needed more information about property management. So Bob ferreted out the secrets, tricks and techniques of property management wherever he found them; then he passed them along to other landlords. For over 25 years now, Bob has been publishing information, giving speeches, putting on seminars and workshops, and consulting for landlords on how to buy, rent and manage property more effectively.


Source: https://www.rentalpropertyreporter.com/maintenance-how-tos-fix-traverse-rods/

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