Warframe if I Switch Syndicates Will I Have to Sacrifice the Same Things for That Syndicate Again


  • 1 Syndicates
    • i.i Faction Syndicates
    • 1.ii Neutral Syndicates
    • one.3 Result Syndicates
  • 2 Gaining Reputation and Ranking
    • 2.1 Faction
    • 2.2 Neutral
  • 3 Decease Squads
  • 4 Syndicate Alerts
    • 4.one Syndicate Medallions
  • 5 Offerings
    • 5.1 Rank 1
    • five.two Rank 2
    • v.iii Rank 3
    • 5.4 Rank 4
    • five.v Rank 5
      • v.5.1 Warframe Broaden Mods
      • 5.v.2 Syndicate Weapons
  • 6 Tips
  • 7 Notes
  • eight Bugs
  • 9 Media
  • ten Patch History

Syndicates are groups of interest operating throughout the Origin System, separate from the Corpus or Grineer, and ally with the Tenno. These factions have their own ideologies and goals regarding the fate of the organisation, with some inevitably in disagreement with some other syndicate. The Syndicate console on the Orbiter is unlocked one time a role player has reached Mastery Rank 3. Syndicates can be accessed earlier from a Relay through the Syndicate representatives there (just the Conclave and Ostron can be joined prior to reaching Mastery Rank three).

Players can cull to perform various quests, missions and alerts for a particular syndicate, raising the player'south Standing with that group and earning access to unique offerings. Raising familiarity with one group, however, can incur the anger of another group, and even lead them to launch hits confronting a player, then choosing which syndicate to proceeds standing with is of import.

There are currently 17 known Syndicates, each with its ain unique themes and goals. Every Faction syndicate has a particular relationship with the others: favorable, neutral, negative or hostile. Earning reputation with a particular group also earns reputation to a group they have favorable relationships with, but decreases reputation with another grouping that they oppose. A few Syndicates are as well considered entirely Neutral, whom players are able to gain reputation with while not affecting reputation with other Syndicates.

Syndicates [ ]

Faction Syndicates [ ]

Neutral Syndicates [ ]

FactionSigilConclave.png Conclave
Nosotros were led astray. We forgot the Caucus, so when that new evil came, we were not prepared. This is how we failed the Orokin. Y'all went into stasis, just not me. I searched the long path for redemption, for the kind of balance only The Caucus can create.
Simaris Sigil gold.png Cephalon Simaris
Cephalon Simaris is building a digital oasis chosen Sanctuary. Simaris requires Tenno to hunt downward and 'convert' special targets in a process called 'Synthesis'. In exchange, Simaris promises enlightenment to his hunters.
OstronSigil.png Ostron
A tight knit band of merchants, hucksters and survivors, the Ostrons call Cetus their abode. The town was build around an Orokin Belfry, that both protects and nourishes them.
TheQuillsSigil.png The Quills
A secretive order, loyal to the mysterious and reclusive 'Unum'. Some say their human relationship to cause and effect is unnatural, their knowledge profane. When a Quill acts, things change.
SolarisUnited1.png Solaris United
Risen from the ashes, Solaris United returns to free the Solaris people from their mental shackles and physical servitude. No being should accept to work to own their ain listen, their own body, their own futurity.
VoxSolarisIcon.png Vox Solaris
Solaris United'south core personnel operating under the name of that group's enigmatic and anonymous figurehead. SU is the public face up of the struggle. Phonation Solaris is something else entirely; something known only to Eudico... and the Quills.
VentkidsIcon.png Ventkids
Hangin' with their logical fam in the ducts of Fortuna, the Ventkids get past stealing parts from the Corpus and running K-Drive races out in the Vallis. At night the ventways bang to the audio of skeg - to the chagrin of the locals.
EntratiIcon.png Entrati
Heirs to the legacy of Albrecht Entrati, his powerful Orokin family encountered disaster, isolation and bitter division on Deimos. The arrival of the Tenno beneficiaries of their Void research, may bring fresh hope - and a deeper agreement of the earth that has trapped their family.
NecraloidIcon.png Necraloid
While the Entrati famili'southward cohort of lethal Necramechs succumbed to the corrupting influence of Deimos, Loid's shielding kept him sane, as well as preserving what was left of his 'passenger', the Cephalon Otak. Together they maintain a proud tradition of loyal service.
TheHoldfastsIcon.png The Holdfasts
Granted a second existence through the mysterious power of the Void, the four Holdfasts struggle to keep their sanity and their vessel intact. The return of the Tenno may turn the tide.

Consequence Syndicates [ ]

NightwaveSyndicate.png Nightwave
Dreamers? Yous listening? The System needs y'all performing your good deeds for the day. Nora needs information technology. Needs you to act. To change things. Hear the news, Dreamers. Hear it, or be it. Your call. Because in Nora's Organisation, no adept act goes unrewarded. This is Nora Night. You're listening to Nightwave.

Gaining Reputation and Ranking [ ]

Rank Minimum Continuing Maximum Standing
5 0 132,000
4 0 99,000
iii 0 70,000
2 0 44,000
1 0 22,000
0 -v,000 v,000
-1 -22,000 0
-2 -44,000 0

Faction [ ]

To advance through Faction Syndicate rankings, players crave Standing earned by wearing the syndicates' respective Sigils. Starting at Mastery Rank 0, your Daily Standing Cap gain for all Faction Syndicates volition start at 8,500 and increase by 750 per rank. This cap will reset at 0:00 UTC every day.

To obtain your first syndicate's Sigil, talk to their representative in any Relay, and consummate Initiation that will require a sacrifice of 10,000 Credits Credits64.png 10,000 every bit well every bit some syndicate-specific resources. Once earned, Standing can be spent to purchase offerings including more than efficient Sigils and to rank upward, which requires the maximum possible standing at the current rank and a sacrifice requested past a syndicate such equally credits and resources. All of the Standing earned volition be spent in the rank up. For every promotion players tin can pick a souvenir from the Syndicate. The promotion to rank 4 merely requires the blueprint, whereas the promotion to rank 5 requires a fully-constructed particular.

Demotion tin can occur when continuing goes below the minimum value for the current rank. This can be caused past aiding an opposed or enemy syndicate. Since Update 16, Syndicates no longer crave multiple sacrifices if players drop from a higher tier to a lower i. Players will simply demand to make one sacrifice when moving betwixt tiers.

Continuing with a syndicate can be negative, which occurs if a player has been performing favors for an opposing or enemy syndicate. There is a lower limit on how much negative continuing a player tin can take with a syndicate, currently capped at -44,000 standing. A actor can achieve two negative rankings inside a Syndicate, should players wish to regain favor with a particular Syndicate: they must earn Standing for them, and so provide sacrifices in order to escape from any negative ranks they have attained. To advance from -44,000 standing to the highest 132,000 using just medallions y'all would need at nigh 886 medallions (using only the ones that are worth 500 Standing ReputationBlackx64.png 500 ).

Neutral [ ]

All Neutral Syndicates have their own varied methods of obtaining continuing. Unlike Factions, Neutrals cannot receive demotions or negative standing and each Neutral Syndicate has their own Daily Standing Cap.

Decease Squads [ ]

When a Tenno has negative favor with a Syndicate, they are considered hated past that group, and the Syndicate in question will begin to ship Death Squads consisting of a group of aristocracy Eximus troops to hunt down said Tenno. Similar to Assassins like the Stalker, Death Squads can randomly appear in a mission, and will announce their presence via flickering lights, and a announcement from the Syndicate leader, though Decease Squads will arrive immediately after a single transmission. Expiry Squad arrivals can be differentiated from normal Assassinator arrivals past the entire squad being covered in a ruby low-cal. Similar Assassins, in the event the Expiry Team succeeds in taking out their target Tenno, they will disappear. Unlike regular Assassins, Death Squads do not have Decease Marks and players practice non receive inbox messages from the opposing Syndicate as a warning, so players have no way of identifying whether they are currently eligible to be attacked past a Death Squad besides negative syndicate reputation.

Notably, killing off a Decease Squad does zip to discourage the syndicate that sent them, and has no impact upon standing either way. Other Tenno can freely aid their teammates assaulted by Expiry Squads without consequence to standing.

At Rank ane of disfavor, Syndicates volition send Eximus Squads, which consist of 3-5 Eximus units. If a histrion reaches Rank 2, Eximus Platoons volition be sent in instead, consisting of 5-eight Eximus units. Like normal Eximus they possess Overguard to grant them immunity to crowd control effects similar Chaos130xDark.pngAnarchy , Stasis130xDark.pngStasis , and Gloom130xDark.pngGloom until it is removed.

Upon emptying, each Eximus unit has a chance to drop a specter blueprint of their corresponding blazon.

Each syndicate'southward Decease Squad always consist of one type of enemy with one specific Eximus type:

BallSpawnerAncientHealer.png BallSpawnerCharger.png BallSpawnerCorruptedLancer.png BallSpawnerMoa.png BallSpawnerRoller.png BallSpawnerShieldDrone.png
Ancient Healer
Volatile Eximus
(New Loka)
Venomous Eximus
(Red Veil)
Corrupted Lancer
Arson Eximus
(Arbiters of Hexis)
Arctic Eximus
(The Perrin Sequence)
Free energy Leech Eximus
(Steel Tiptop)
Shield Osprey
Shock Eximus
(Cephalon Suda)

Syndicate Alerts [ ]


Syndicate Alerts are special Alert missions unlocked by attaining Rank i in a detail syndicate. Similar to regular Alerts, they act every bit an culling mission on a node. In contrast, however, missions offered by Syndicates have a stock-still expiration time of 24 hours which resets each twenty-four hour period at the aforementioned time as sorties. The advantage for completing this variation of the Alert is a big amount of standing in the Syndicate providing the mission (as well every bit the normal Standing changes in related Syndicates). This standing is affected by the Sigil worn; it also is independent of the daily limit, non contributing to nor being hindered by it. The Standing gained through Affinity during the mission is independent of the declared end advantage. As Tenno are promoted in a Syndicate, the Alerts advertised increase in Standing rewards - merely in difficulty likewise.

Syndicate Alerts can be identified by their mission icons being represented past the Syndicate's emblem. Like with Quests and Alerts, Syndicate Alerts have their ain tab in the World State panel in the Navigation Panel of the Orbiter, which can be used to cheque for active alerts.

3 Alerts per Syndicate will exist available each 24-hour interval. If the node an Alert is on has not been unlocked, it will exist unavailable for the player until otherwise. Annotation that Tenno can receive Syndicate Alerts from multiple Syndicates simultaneously, with the normal requirement of Rank 1 in each said Syndicate.

Unlike regular Alerts, Syndicate Alerts can accept Operatives, which are combat-capable NPC's representing the Syndicates that accompany the Tenno during the mission. Scaled to the level of their enemies, they have substantial wellness and shields, and wield the signature weapon of their Syndicate in higher level Alerts.

As a concluding notation, Syndicate missions can and volition ignore regular enemy spawn listings for the tileset. This tin lead to encountering Hellions in the Grineer Asteroid fix, and Anti MOAs outside of the Corpus Gas Urban center. In addition Assassins will not spawn in Syndicate missions.

Syndicate Medallions [ ]

Main article: Syndicate Medallions

Syndicate Alerts will spawn up to 8 Syndicate Medallions (sometimes fewer due to level layout) throughout the map, which can be gathered and redeemed in the Syndicate's Relay enclave for Continuing. Similar the alert rewards themselves, they do not count towards the daily Standing limit.

To be able to detect the medallions, players must have favorable standing with the syndicate that offered the Alert.

Offerings [ ]

Main article: Category:Syndicate Offerings

Syndicates offer various items to players who attain a certain rank. Each rank of offerings consists of Sigils and the items below. These items tin be acquired through spending Standing points. Upon achieving the next rank, Syndicates will reward players an item of their option of that new rank. Still, Syndicate-exclusive weapons cannot be chosen every bit the free offering, and re-obtaining the rank after demotion will not allow you to choose some other advantage.

Rank 1 [ ]

At Rank 1 in a Syndicate, Tenno tin buy Eximus Specters.

BallSpawnerRoller.png BallSpawnerCorruptedLancer.png BallSpawnerShieldDrone.png BallSpawnerMoa.png BallSpawnerCharger.png BallSpawnerAncientHealer.png
Leech Eximus Specter
(Steel Pinnacle)
Corrupted Lancer
Leech Eximus Specter
(Arbiters of Hexis)
Shield Osprey
(1)Guardian Eximus Specter
(Cephalon Suda)
Blitz Eximus Specter
(The Perrin Sequence)
(2)Parasitic Eximus Specter
(Red Veil)
Ancient Healer
(3)Sanguine Eximus Specter
(New Loka)

one) Will provide pregnant increases in shield recharge time and recharge rates, forth with a bonus 200 shield when connected. Allies will besides receive firsthand shield bonuses during each pulse by the Eximus regardless of the state of their shields. Information technology is besides armed with a laser rifle similar to the one on a Scavenger Drone. 2) Eximus of this type have no benefits other than generally being meat shields. 3) Despite existence an Ancient Healer, it does not have the normal damage reduction aureola of normal Eximus Healers of this type (requires more testing).

Rank 2 [ ]

At Rank 2, Syndicates can offer a Syndicate Relic Pack consisting of 3 random Void Relics for 20000 Standing ReputationBlackx64.png 20000 Syndicate Continuing.


Two of the relics will be random Lith Era Relic or Meso Era Relic, with the 3rd relic guaranteed to be either a random Neo Era Relic or Axi Era Relic.

Rank 3 [ ]

At Rank iii, Tenno can buy Large Team Bonus Consumables, which are reusable 10-pack blueprints.

Rank 4 [ ]

At Rank 4, Tenno can buy Weapon Broaden Mods, which are mods that are exclusive to an individual weapon. These mods usually have greater effects than mods of similar role, and may sometimes add unique functionality to a weapon. Equipping a Weapon Augment mod will too make the weapon earn Syndicate Points converted from whatsoever affinity that weapon earns, which fills up a guess that shows upward abreast the weapon'due south ammo counter. When enough Syndicate Points are collected, the gauge will reset and the weapon will immediately release a special effect in battle, combining a radial elemental harm attack, a temporary stat buff, and a stat restore result.

Syndicate Effect Name Damage Type Restore Blazon Temporary Vitrify
FactionSigilRebels.pngSteel Meridian (Vaykor) Justice DmgBlastSmall64.pngBlast 25% Health +fifteen% Base Armor
FactionSigilJudge.pngArbiters of Hexis (Telos) Truth DmgGasSmall64.pngGas 25% Health +25% Parkour Maneuvers boost
FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda (Synoid) Entropy DmgMagneticSmall64.pngMagnetic 25% Free energy +25% Base Energy
FactionSigilBusiness.pngThe Perrin Sequence (Secura) Sequence DmgRadiationSmall64.pngRadiations 25% Shield +50% Base Shields
RedVeilIconWhite.pngRed Veil (Rakta) Blight DmgViralSmall64.pngViral 25% Free energy +ten% Base of operations Motility Speed
FactionSigilChurch.pngNew Loka (Sancti) Purity DmgCorrosiveSmall64.pngCorrosive 25% Health +25% Base Wellness

Rank 5 [ ]

Warframe Broaden Mods [ ]

Main article: Warframe Augment Mods

At Rank five, each Syndicate sells a selection of Warframe Augment Mods, which are mods exclusive to individual Warframes that modify a particular Warframe ability in unique ways. Each Warframe is favored past ii unlike Syndicates.

The following Syndicates favor particular Warframes:

Warframes Augment Mods Favored Syndicates
AshIcon272.pngAsh Mod TT 20px.pngSeeking Shuriken Mod TT 20px.pngSmoke Shadow Mod TT 20px.pngFatal Teleport Mod TT 20px.pngAscent Storm FactionSigilJudge.pngArbiters of Hexis
RedVeilIconWhite.pngRed Veil
AtlasIcon272.pngAtlas Mod TT 20px.pngRubble Heap Mod TT 20px.pngPath of Statues Mod TT 20px.pngTectonic Fracture Mod TT 20px.pngOre Gaze Mod TT 20px.pngTitanic Rumbler FactionSigilRebels.pngSteel Meridian
RedVeilIconWhite.pngRed Veil
BansheeIcon272.pngBanshee Mod TT 20px.pngSonic Fracture Mod TT 20px.pngResonance Mod TT 20px.pngSavage Silence Mod TT 20px.pngResonating Convulse FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda
FactionSigilBusiness.pngThe Perrin Sequence
BaruukIcon272.pngBaruuk Mod TT 20px.pngEndless Lullaby Mod TT 20px.pngReactive Tempest FactionSigilJudge.pngArbiters of Hexis
FactionSigilChurch.pngNew Loka
ChromaIcon272.pngChroma Mod TT 20px.pngAfterburn Mod TT 20px.pngEverlasting Ward Mod TT 20px.pngVexing Retaliation Mod TT 20px.pngGuided Effigy FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda
FactionSigilBusiness.pngThe Perrin Sequence
EmberIcon272.pngEmber Mod TT 20px.pngFireball Frenzy Mod TT 20px.pngImmolated Radiance Mod TT 20px.pngHealing Flame Mod TT 20px.pngExothermic FactionSigilRebels.pngSteel Top
RedVeilIconWhite.pngRed Veil
EquinoxIcon272.pngEquinox Mod TT 20px.pngDuality Mod TT 20px.pngPeaceful Provocation Mod TT 20px.pngFree energy Transfer FactionSigilJudge.pngArbiters of Hexis
FactionSigilChurch.pngNew Loka
ExcaliburIcon272.pngExcalibur Mod TT 20px.pngSurging Dash Mod TT 20px.pngRadiant Terminate Mod TT 20px.pngFurious Javelin Mod TT 20px.pngChromatic Blade FactionSigilJudge.pngArbiters of Hexis
FactionSigilRebels.pngSteel Elevation
FrostIcon272.pngFrost Mod TT 20px.pngBiting Frost Mod TT 20px.pngFreeze Force Mod TT 20px.pngIce Moving ridge Impedance Mod TT 20px.pngChilling Globe Mod TT 20px.pngIcy Avalanche FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda
FactionSigilRebels.pngSteel Pinnacle
GaraIcon272.pngGara Mod TT 20px.pngMending Splinters Mod TT 20px.pngSpectrosiphon FactionSigilJudge.pngArbiters of Hexis
FactionSigilChurch.pngNew Loka
GarudaIcon272.pngGaruda Mod TT 20px.pngDread Ward Mod TT 20px.pngClaret Forge Mod TT 20px.pngBlending Talons FactionSigilRebels.pngSteel Acme
RedVeilIconWhite.pngRed Veil
GaussIcon272.pngGauss Mod TT 20px.pngMach Crash Mod TT 20px.pngThermal Transfer FactionSigilJudge.pngArbiters of Hexis
FactionSigilBusiness.pngThe Perrin Sequence
GrendelIcon272.pngGrendel Mod TT 20px.pngGourmand Mod TT 20px.pngHearty Nourishment Mod TT 20px.pngCatapult FactionSigilRebels.pngSteel Top
RedVeilIconWhite.pngRed Veil
HarrowIcon272.pngHarrow Mod TT 20px.pngTribunal Mod TT 20px.pngWarding Thurible Mod TT 20px.pngLasting Covenant FactionSigilJudge.pngArbiters of Hexis
RedVeilIconWhite.pngCrimson Veil
HildrynIcon272.pngHildryn Mod TT 20px.pngBalefire Surge Mod TT 20px.pngBlazing Pillage FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda
FactionSigilBusiness.pngThe Perrin Sequence
HydroidIcon272.pngHydroid Mod TT 20px.pngCorroding Barrage Mod TT 20px.pngTidal Dispensation Mod TT 20px.pngCurative Undertow Mod TT 20px.pngPilfering Swarm FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda
FactionSigilChurch.pngNew Loka
InarosIcon272.pngInaros Mod TT 20px.pngElemental Sandstorm Mod TT 20px.pngNegation Swarm FactionSigilJudge.pngArbiters of Hexis
FactionSigilBusiness.pngThe Perrin Sequence
IvaraIcon272.pngIvara Mod TT 20px.pngEmpowered Quiver Mod TT 20px.pngPiercing Navigator Mod TT 20px.pngInfiltrate Mod TT 20px.pngConcentrated Arrow FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda
FactionSigilBusiness.pngThe Perrin Sequence
KhoraIcon272.pngKhora Mod TT 20px.pngAccumulating Whipclaw Mod TT 20px.pngVenari Babysitter Mod TT 20px.pngPilfering Strangledome FactionSigilRebels.pngSteel Meridian
RedVeilIconWhite.pngRed Veil
LimboIcon272.pngLimbo Mod TT 20px.pngRift Haven Mod TT 20px.pngRift Torrent Mod TT 20px.pngCataclysmic Continuum FactionSigilJudge.pngArbiters of Hexis
FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda
LokiIcon272.pngLoki Mod TT 20px.pngSavior Decoy Mod TT 20px.pngHushed Invisibility Mod TT 20px.pngSafeguard Switch Mod TT 20px.pngIrradiating Disarm FactionSigilJudge.pngArbiters of Hexis
RedVeilIconWhite.pngRuby Veil
MagIcon272.pngMag Mod TT 20px.pngGreedy Pull Mod TT 20px.pngMagnetized Discharge Mod TT 20px.pngCounter Pulse Mod TT 20px.pngFracturing Trounce FactionSigilChurch.pngNew Loka
FactionSigilBusiness.pngThe Perrin Sequence
MesaIcon272.pngMesa Mod TT 20px.pngBallistic Bullseye Mod TT 20px.pngMuzzle Flash Mod TT 20px.pngStaggering Shield Mod TT 20px.pngMesa's Waltz FactionSigilRebels.pngSteel Meridian
RedVeilIconWhite.pngCarmine Veil
MirageIcon272.pngMirage Mod TT 20px.pngHall of Malevolence Mod TT 20px.pngExplosive Legerdemain Mod TT 20px.pngTotal Eclipse FactionSigilJudge.pngArbiters of Hexis
FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda
NekrosIcon272.pngNekros Mod TT 20px.pngSoul Survivor Mod TT 20px.pngCreeping Terrify Mod TT 20px.pngDespoil Mod TT 20px.pngShield of Shadows RedVeilIconWhite.pngScarlet Veil
FactionSigilBusiness.pngThe Perrin Sequence
NezhaIcon272.pngNezha Mod TT 20px.pngPyroclastic Flow Mod TT 20px.pngReaping Chakram Mod TT 20px.pngSafeguard Mod TT 20px.pngControlled Slide FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda
FactionSigilRebels.pngSteel Meridian
NidusIcon272.pngNidus Mod TT 20px.pngArable Mutation Mod TT 20px.pngTeeming Virulence Mod TT 20px.pngLarva Burst Mod TT 20px.pngClamorous FactionSigilRebels.pngSteel Meridian
FactionSigilBusiness.pngThe Perrin Sequence
NovaIcon272.pngNova Mod TT 20px.pngNeutron Star Mod TT 20px.pngAntimatter Absorb Mod TT 20px.pngEscape Velocity Mod TT 20px.pngMolecular Fission FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda
FactionSigilRebels.pngSteel Height
NyxIcon272.pngNyx Mod TT 20px.pngListen Freak Mod TT 20px.pngPacifying Bolts Mod TT 20px.pngAnarchy Sphere Mod TT 20px.pngAssimilate FactionSigilJudge.pngArbiters of Hexis
FactionSigilChurch.pngNew Loka
OberonIcon272.pngOberon Mod TT 20px.pngSmite Infusion Mod TT 20px.pngHallowed Eruption Mod TT 20px.pngPhoenix Renewal Mod TT 20px.pngHallowed Reckoning FactionSigilRebels.pngSteel Meridian
FactionSigilChurch.pngNew Loka
OctaviaIcon272.pngOctavia Mod TT 20px.pngPartitioned Mallet Mod TT 20px.pngConductor FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda
FactionSigilChurch.pngNew Loka
ProteaIcon272.pngProtea Mod TT 20px.pngRepair Dispensary FactionSigilJudge.pngArbiters of Hexis
FactionSigilBusiness.pngThe Perrin Sequence
RevenantIcon272.pngRevenant Mod TT 20px.pngThrall Pact Mod TT 20px.pngBlinding Reave FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda
FactionSigilBusiness.pngThe Perrin Sequence
RhinoIcon272.pngRhino Mod TT 20px.pngIronclad Charge Mod TT 20px.pngIron Shrapnel Mod TT 20px.pngPiercing Roar Mod TT 20px.pngReinforcing Stomp FactionSigilRebels.pngSteel Meridian
FactionSigilBusiness.pngThe Perrin Sequence
SarynIcon272.pngSaryn Mod TT 20px.pngRevealing Spores Mod TT 20px.pngVenom Dose Mod TT 20px.pngRegenerative Molt Mod TT 20px.pngContagion Deject FactionSigilRebels.pngSteel Meridian
RedVeilIconWhite.pngRed Veil
TitaniaIcon272.pngTitania Mod TT 20px.pngSpellbound Harvest Mod TT 20px.pngBeguiling Lantern Mod TT 20px.pngRazorwing Blitz Mod TT 20px.pngIronclad Flight RedVeilIconWhite.pngRuddy Veil
FactionSigilChurch.pngNew Loka
TrinityIcon272.pngTrinity Mod TT 20px.pngPuddle of Life Mod TT 20px.pngVampire Leech Mod TT 20px.pngAbating Link FactionSigilChurch.pngNew Loka
FactionSigilBusiness.pngThe Perrin Sequence
ValkyrIcon272.pngValkyr Mod TT 20px.pngSwing Line Mod TT 20px.pngEternal State of war Mod TT 20px.pngProlonged Paralysis Mod TT 20px.pngEnraged Mod TT 20px.pngHysterical Assault FactionSigilChurch.pngNew Loka
FactionSigilBusiness.pngThe Perrin Sequence
VaubanIcon272.pngVauban Mod TT 20px.pngTesla Bank Mod TT 20px.pngPhoton Repeater Mod TT 20px.pngRepelling Guardhouse FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda
FactionSigilBusiness.pngThe Perrin Sequence
VoltIcon272.pngVolt Mod TT 20px.pngShock Trooper Mod TT 20px.pngShocking Speed Mod TT 20px.pngTransistor Shield Mod TT 20px.pngCapacitance FactionSigilJudge.pngArbiters of Hexis
RedVeilIconWhite.pngRuby Veil
WispIcon272.pngWisp Mod TT 20px.pngFused Reservoir Mod TT 20px.pngCritical Surge FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda
FactionSigilChurch.pngNew Loka
WukongIcon272.pngWukong Mod TT 20px.pngCelestial Stomp Mod TT 20px.pngEnveloping Cloud Mod TT 20px.pngKey Rage FactionSigilJudge.pngArbiters of Hexis
FactionSigilChurch.pngNew Loka
XakuIcon272.pngXaku Mod TT 20px.pngVampiric Grasp Mod TT 20px.pngThe Relentless Lost FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda
FactionSigilRebels.pngSteel Peak
YareliIcon272.pngYareli Mod TT 20px.pngSurging Blades FactionSigilOracle.pngCephalon Suda
FactionSigilChurch.pngNew Loka
ZephyrIcon272.pngZephyr Mod TT 20px.pngTarget Fixation Mod TT 20px.pngAirburst Rounds Mod TT 20px.pngJet Stream Mod TT 20px.pngFunnel Clouds Mod TT 20px.pngAnchored Glide RedVeilIconWhite.pngRed Veil
FactionSigilChurch.pngNew Loka

Syndicate Weapons [ ]

Special Syndicate Weapons too become available at this rank, which are modified versions of existing weapons with altered stats and, with the exception of the melee weapons, innate Syndicate effects identical to those provided by Weapon Augment Mods. Syndicate weapons tin can exist traded between players, merely only when the weapons are previously unused, unranked and unmodified with Forma or Orokin Catalysts. These weapons also have Mastery Rank restrictions.

VaykorHek.png TelosBoltor.png SynoidSimulor.png SecuraPenta.png RaktaCernos.png SanctiTigris.png
VaykorHek.pngVaykor Hek
(Steel Top)
TelosBoltor.pngTelos Boltor
(Arbiters of Hexis)
SynoidSimulor.pngSynoid Simulor
(Cephalon Suda)
SecuraPenta.pngSecura Penta
(The Perrin Sequence)
RaktaCernos.pngRakta Cernos
(Red Veil)
SanctiTigris.pngSancti Tigris
(New Loka)
VaykorMarelok.png TelosAkbolto.png SynoidGammacor.png SecuraDualCestra.png RaktaBallistica.png SanctiCastanas.png
VaykorMarelok.pngVaykor Marelok
(Steel Summit)
TelosAkbolto.pngTelos Akbolto
(Arbiters of Hexis)
SynoidGammacor.pngSynoid Gammacor
(Cephalon Suda)
SecuraDualCestra.pngSecura Dual Cestra
(The Perrin Sequence)
RaktaBallistica.pngRakta Ballistica
(Red Veil)
SanctiCastanas.pngSancti Castanas
(New Loka)
VaykorSydon.png TelosBoltace.png SynoidHeliocor.png SecuraLecta.png RaktaDarkDagger.png SanctiMagistar.png
VaykorSydon.pngVaykor Sydon
(Steel Meridian)
TelosBoltace.pngTelos Boltace
(Arbiters of Hexis)
SynoidHeliocor.pngSynoid Heliocor
(Cephalon Suda)
SecuraLecta.pngSecura Lecta
(The Perrin Sequence)
RaktaDarkDagger.pngRakta Dark Dagger
(Red Veil)
SanctiMagistar.pngSancti Magistar
(New Loka)

In addition, unique decorative Syndicate Syandanas can be purchased at this rank. Syndicate Syandanas have free energy colors that glow brighter each time a detail Syandana achieves an in-mission condition specific to that Syandana.

SyndicateSMScarf.png SyndicateAHScarf.png SyndicateCSScarf.png SyndicatePSScarf.png SyndicateRVScarf.png SyndicateNLScarf.png ConclaveCape.png
Vaykor Syandana
Damage taken
(Steel Elevation)
Telos Syandana
(Arbiters of Hexis)
Synoid Syandana
(Cephalon Suda)
Secura Syandana
Credits nerveless
(The Perrin Sequence)
Asita Rakta Syandana
Stealth finishers
(Red Veil)
Sancti Syandana
Abilities used
(New Loka)
Celestia Syandana
Caucus challenges

Celestia Syandana decays per day rather than resetting for every mission, Telos Syandana has extra effects after sure numbers of kills
Finally, the Syndicate representative's archway at any Relay will be redesigned with a bronze-like highlights.

Tips [ ]

  • The more affinity yous become (from kills, assists and abilities), the more standing you lot will receive for your Syndicate while wearing the appropriate Sigil.
  • There are 3 groups of syndicates that each consist of syndicates that are all non-hostile towards each other, which means yous tin can exist boosting relations with all syndicates within a group in parallel without losing standing with any other syndicate within the group:
    • New Loka, The Perrin Sequence, Cherry Veil are all non-hostile towards each other.
    • Arbiters of Hexis, Cephalon Suda, Steel Meridian are all not-hostile towards each other.
    • Ruby Veil, Steel Meridian is the smallest group, every bit each member is hostile to 2 different other syndicates.
      • If you lot choose this group of syndicates you cannot get Rank 5 Warframe augment mods for BansheeIcon272.pngBanshee , ChromaIcon272.pngBlush , EquinoxIcon272.pngEquinox , GaraIcon272.pngGara , HydroidIcon272.pngHydroid , InarosIcon272.pngInaros , IvaraIcon272.pngIvara , LimboIcon272.pngLimbo , MagIcon272.pngMag , MirageIcon272.pngMirage , NyxIcon272.pngNyx , OctaviaIcon272.pngOctavia , RevenantIcon272.pngRevenant , TrinityIcon272.pngTrinity , ValkyrIcon272.pngValkyr , VaubanIcon272.pngVauban , and WukongIcon272.pngWukong .
      • If yous chose this grouping of syndicates you lot can get the following archweapon(s), Kaszas.pngKaszas .
  • Further, each of the 2 bigger groups tin be expanded by one additional syndicate that while cannot be farmed straight and will be hampered past 2 of the 3 core group members, nevertheless tin can be slowly farmed equally an ally of 1 of the 3 core group members:
    • New Loka, The Perrin Sequence, Red Veil adds Steel Meridian as a communicable-upward syndicate (indirectly farmable via Red Veil).
    • Arbiters of Hexis, Cephalon Suda, Steel Meridian adds Red Veil as a catching-upwardly syndicate (indirectly farmable via Steel Summit).
      • If y'all choose this grouping of syndicates you cannot get Rank five Warframe augment mods for MagIcon272.pngMagazine , TrinityIcon272.pngTrinity , and ValkyrIcon272.pngValkyr .
      • Yous tin however become Rank 5 Warframe augments for NekrosIcon272.pngNekros , ZephyrIcon272.pngZephyr , and TitaniaIcon272.pngTitania from Ruby-red Veil, the catching up syndicate.
      • If you chose this grouping of syndicates you lot tin get the following archweapon(s), Corvas.pngCorvas , DualDecurion.pngDual Decurion , Fluctus.pngFluctus , Kaszas.pngKaszas , and Velocitus.pngVelocitus .
  • At that place are three (iii) other archweapons that come from syndicates, y'all cannot get them from whatever of the above combinations:
  • It is much harder to have Rank 5 with more than 4 syndicates every bit it would crave ho-hum micromanagement (equally shown in the tabular array below).
  • If you desire to subcontract the respective Death Squads, it is possible to have hated standing with four groups at one time. Merely switch between Steel Pinnacle, and Red Veil until both are max. Each aids the other, only each reduce ii of the remaining groups.
  • Supporting a combination of various Syndicates can raise your reputation with four or 5 groups. In that location will be some amount of conflict, reducing the efficiency.

View Supporting Efficiency List

Notes [ ]

  • Allied reputation gain/loss does not affect the reputation of other factions. For case, increasing reputation with Steel Meridian volition increment reputation with the Red Veil, however, this Blood-red Veil increase will not positively or negatively affect whatever of the factions associated with the Red Veil.
  • Expiry Squads will be momentarily stunned by NyxIcon272.pngNyx 'south Chaos130xDark.pngChaos , but will otherwise exist unaffected.
  • Having a negative rank with a syndicate will summon Eximus death squads and the simply manner to avert further confrontation with a detail syndicate is to restore the reputation dorsum to neutral. Unlike Decease Marks, death squads will not stop attacking the thespian until they get a neutral rank with that faction.
  • Even when in a team with a targeted player, Death Squads will not target players other than the targeted player, allowing the target to 'hide' whilst other players defeat the squad.
  • At the terminate-of-mission screen, there are 4 syndicate standings visible in the Syndicate Standings tab, when an object is scanned for Cephalon Simaris in the mission (Helios scans do not give standing for Cephalon Simaris) its stats replace the stats of the syndicate opposed to the ane you lot are doing a mission for/have a sigil practical for. However half the amount of continuing you earn is still detracted from the opposed syndicate, even though information technology does not bear witness.
  • Sigils worn to increment standing proceeds from the Syndicate Alerts may either lucifer the syndicate for the alert or its centrolineal syndicate - either mode the full boost will apply. For example, either a Red Veil or Steel Height sigil will boost standing from both types of syndicate alerts.

Bugs [ ]

  • There is a problems during Expiry Squad announcements where the Syndicate leader will appear on actor screen, but without saying annihilation, and even if the role player manages to defeat the Death Team, the image of the Syndicate leader will still remain on thespian screen.
    • Also happens at the start of syndicate missions.
  • Sometimes the manual portrait for the syndicate mission will show a groundwork without the graphic symbol there.
  • Syndicate death squads may sometimes not spawn or have a long delay when inside the spy last room. They will appear usually equally soon equally yous go out the room nevertheless.
  • Ranking up right before an update makes the player stuck, because yous can't buy anything when an update is available and you can't exit without getting the rank up advantage. Closing the game manually and logging back in after the update is downloaded fixes the trouble and yous tin however become the reward.

Media [ ]

Patch History [ ]

Hotfix 31.v.5 (2022-05-03)

  • Added a daily refresh indicator to Syndicate screens (anywhere where at that place is an 'X remaining' indicator).


Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

  • Considering Eximus enemies are now more formidable, that strength is amplified when encountering Eximus units in a pack. To assist counter that in different parts of Warframe we've made the following changes:
    • Syndicate Death Team/Platoon sizes have been reduced:
      • -one of disfavor Squads reduced from 5-ten to 3-5
      • -2 of disfavor Platoons reduced from 10-15 to five-7
        • We accept increased the drib chance of Eximus Specter blueprints dropping from Syndicate Death Squads in light of the size reduction.
    • Additionally, we have greatly reduced the additional Health and Shields these Units receive
  • Syndicate Exmus Specters have also had their respective Eximus type updated: Hither are the following Eximus Specters and Type:
    • Ancient Healer Eximus: Volatile
    • Charger Eximus: Venomous
    • MOA Eximus: Chill
    • Corruper Lancer: Arson
    • Roller Eximus: Energy Leech
    • Shield Osprey Eximus: Shock

Update 30.9 (2021-11-xi)

  • Fixed issues with certain languages' text strings not plumbing fixtures in the Syndicate UI.
  • Fixed Town Vendors/Syndicate NPC bodies disappearing when opening a player's Profile while interacting with them.
  • Fixed Augments non being properly marked as owned in the Syndicate Offerings.

Hotfix 30.vii.six (2021-09-23)

  • Stock-still Syndicate Rank indicator display bug after seeing a Negative rank in a Syndicate.

Update 30.vii (2021-09-08)

  • Added 'Insufficient Funds' context information to the Syndicate offerings 'Confirm Purchase' panel.

Update thirty.5 (2021-07-06)


The Syndicates yous know and dearest have expanded their Offerings!

Each Syndicate has added respective Armor Sets to showcase your loyalty! Including Ostron Armor from Hok in Cetus, and Solaris Armor from Rude Zuud in Fortuna! That's eight unique Armor sets in total to collect! The well-nigh ever released in a unmarried Update!

PLUS, each Syndicate (excluding Ostron and Solaris) has new Emotes based on familiar Railjack Crew animations!

All of these new Offerings are Tradable!

Update 30.3 (2021-05-25)

  • Increased the Daily Continuing cap yous get before including Mastery, slightly reduced the amount you get from Mastery. All players before MR xxx volition have a higher Daily Standing cap than they used to, while players at MR 30 will take the aforementioned cap as earlier.
    • In improver to giving more room for Tenno to get to that terminal rank with their Syndicates, this will ultimately help reduce the time new players spend ranking up with their chosen Syndicates. Previously, if you were Mastery Rank ten, y'all would have a daily Standing cap of 16,000. Now, with the changes we've made, your daily Standing cap for MR x is 21,000.
  • Updated the daily Standing reached popular-up to "You have reached your Daily Continuing Limit with [Insert Syndicate]. Come visit over again tomorrow.".
    • The previous "Standing is at maximum for this syndicate" was misleading!
  • Stock-still text in certain languages wrapping and overlapping in the Syndicates Daily Standing box.

Update 29.x (2021-03-19)

  • Fixed Disruption Syndicate missions being bachelor with enemy levels beneath 15. This fixes cases where no enemies spawn after the initial few.
  • Fixed inability to rank up in Syndicates if yous do not claim the previous Syndicate rank reward.

Hotfix 29.6.5 (2021-01-09)

  • Fixed Syndicates that but accept Universal Medallions as Trade Ins displaying 'NO TO REDEEM' when you accept zip to redeem.

Hotfix 29.five.6 (2020-12-01)

  • Increased the Standing Rank font size of Standing Rank up from xviii to 19 to make standard and hopefully prepare occasionally displaying a blank foursquare instead of a number.

Hotfix 29.five.1 (2020-11-19)

  • Added "Syndicate" push button to 'donation' screens in Cetus, Fortuna, and Necralisk so that you can rapidly spring to the Syndicate screen.
    • Selecting "get out" in the Syndicate screen afterward using this button will have y'all back to the donation screen. So yous can at present go back and along to meet your progress and rank upwardly if y'all meet the requirements at the click of a button!

Hotfix 29.3.1 (2020-11-04)

  • Fixed Syndicate screens not displaying Standing amount remaining.

Update 29.3 (2020-ten-27)

  • Clarified Daily Standing Bar value by calculation the word 'Remaining' to betoken as such.

Hotfix 29.0.8 (2020-09-10)

  • Fixed the ESC menu saying 'Deimos' where it should have said Necralisk while in the Syndicates carte.
  • Fixed script mistake if yous tried to press the Rank up button on a Syndicate screen right after pressing ESC to back out to the all Syndicate view.

Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)

  • Deimos nodes have been added into the mix for Syndicate missions.
  • Choosing to contribute the maximum number of Syndicate Medallions will now round up to permit filling the Standing capacity instead of stopping short. Incrementing number of Medallion contributions and unmarried Medallion contributions will now respect this limit.
Daily Standing Cap Changes:

Daily Standing Cap changes accept been fabricated to grant a higher cap at each Mastery Rank. Upon starting Warframe at MR0, your Daily Continuing Cap will start at 8500 and increment at more gradual increments per Mastery Rank (+750 per rank). You volition besides now have access to a larger Daily Continuing Cap at each Mastery Rank than in the previous organisation! This will take effect side by side Daily Reset.

Update 28.0 (2020-06-eleven)

  • Upon visiting a Syndicate in the Relay, the Syndicate donation screen at present displays your full Inventory of eligible items, similar to selling Fish in Cetus.
  • Fixed rare case of Syndicate allies spawning on top of each other.

Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

  • Stock-still fractional themed background in Syndicate screen when selecting 'View Offerings' before the Syndicate transmission is fully shown.

Update 27.ii (2020-03-05)

  • Disruptions missions will no longer be eligible Syndicate missions beneath level 15, as Demolysts don't spawn at that level, thus an inability to complete the mission.

Update 25.7 (2019-08-29) Disruption has been added equally a possible mission blazon for Syndicate missions!

Universal Syndicate Medallion!

This mysterious particular is accustomed by all eligible Syndicates to requite yous ane,000 Standing. If y'all're lucky enough to observe one in Disruption, you'll be able to gain favour with any of the core 6 Syndicates (Steel Meridian, Arbiters of Hexis, Cephalon Suda, New Loka, Red Veil, Perrin Sequence)! Yous will also be able to use information technology with Quills, Vocalisation Solaris, Ostron, and Solaris United.

We are planning on making 'Universal' mean a bit more than here and in a future Hotfix this will exist usable in Conclave, Simaris, and Vent Kids as well.

We are starting small with this particular every bit it has potential for a large impact on diverse economic system elements that we want to carefully mensurate, but wait iteration and larger versions of these for rewards! Anything from special Alerts featuring multiple, future drib tables, and more!

General Changes:

  • Updated the icon for miscellaneous Syndicates in the Syndicate screen to lucifer other miscellaneous categories.

Controller Fixes:

  • Fixed viewing a Syndicate in the Syndicate panel on the Orbiter while using a controller only having fractional functionality for the right stick.

Hotfix 25.6.three (2019-08-14)

  • Fixed a vertical line is showing upwards when you click to Rank up in the Solaris or Ostron Syndicates screen.

Hotfix 25.4.2 (2019-07-25)

  • Fixed a case of an inability to Rank up within a Syndicate that you've already Ranked up in (just made them mad and so you got demoted).

Hotfix 25.0.7 (2019-05-thirty)

  • Syndicates in the Syndicate screen are now ordered past the respective Rank you lot take with them. The ones which don't especially like or respect you are now greyed out to signal that.
  • Fixed a soft lock after opening the pause menu while viewing the Syndicate screen.

Update 25.0 (2019-05-22)


The following screens UI screens have received a brand new look and functionality with a mix of player-requested mechanics!

  • Alongside the original 6 principal Syndicates, you can at present view your Cetus, Fortuna, and Miscellaneous (Conclave, Simaris) Continuing! However, the original primary Syndicates volition announced subconscious if you accept never met them in the Relay, and will reappear after talking to them in one case.
  • You tin now direct visit ALL Syndicates from their UI screens!
  • Daily Standing information is now conspicuously exposed. This value is the corporeality still earnable.
  • Neutral Rank now shows upwardly for Syndicates with no negative Ranks.


Hotfix 24.2.viii (2019-01-15)

  • Syndicate Offerings screen now displays Mastered/Forma icons.

Update 24.2 (2018-12-18)

  • Syndicate Wall Stencils for your Personal Quarters take been added to each corresponding Syndicate! (doesn't include neutral syndicates)

Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08)

  • As a issue of wanting to reduce the amount of playerbase splitting that the Syndicate Mission rank generation created, we've reduced this to merely accept seven missions per Syndicate.
    • At Rank ane in a given Syndicate, you lot get missions one, two, three.
    • At Rank two in a given Syndicate, yous get missions two, 3, four.
    • At Rank three in a given Syndicate, you get missions 3, 4, v.
    • At Rank 4 in a given Syndicate, y'all become missions 4, five, 6.
    • At Rank 5 in a given Syndicate, y'all get missions 5, vi, 7.
    • Every bit a issue, now you are more likely play with other members of the Syndicate at close ranks to you. You will still now accept 3 Syndicate missions agile in your Earth state menu, just you should now accept more people do them with!

Update 18.five (2016-03-04)

  • A new 'Hide Owned' button has been added to the Syndicate Offerings bill of fare

Update 16.0 (2015-03-19)

  • Syndicates no longer require multiple sacrifices if players driblet from a higher tier to a lower ane. Players will only need to make 1 sacrifice ever when moving between tiers.

Update 15.ten (2015-01-15)

  • Void Cardinal packs are now available as Tier 2 Syndicate Offerings! These packs contain 3 random Void Keys for 25,000 Standing. Two keys in each pack volition be random T1 or T2 mission keys, and every pack is likewise guaranteed to have a random T3 or T4 Void Primal.

Update fifteen.9 (2015-01-08)

  • Void Key Packs are beingness removed from Syndicate offerings. Please visit the following link to vote on what Void Central offer yous would prefer to see in their identify: poll

Update 15.0 (2014-10-24)

  • Syndicate organization introduced.


Source: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Syndicate

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